Now a days internet is flooded with tips for getting good score in IELTS. Are these Tips to Crack IELTS really helpful?
Almost every institute will tell that we give tips to improve the score. The point is why improve why not get the DESIRED IELTS BANDS within first trial. When you wish to study abroad, then you definitely do not wish to waste your time in giving IELTS EXAM repeatedly. However, looking for an IELTS COACHING CENTER NEAR ME is surely comfortable but is it worth it?
Going a little far to get best bands in first trial is better, isn’t it?
Now let us come to simple tips which can help you in finding answers in your IELTS PAPER
The most confusing part is when false and not given are closely connected and you do not know what to choose, in that scenario, try using common sense and try to generalise the question and connect it with the answer which you feel should otherwise be simply false.
For example: In paragraph it is written
Coral reefs are important economic assets, they help the economy to grow. Hence, it is important to save coral reefs
Question is “The country’s economy depends on coral reefs”.
Ideally you will think that it is FALSE, but the answer is NOT GIVEN. The reason is that it did mention about a connection between coral reef and country’s economy, however, it did not say that it is depending on coral reef for economic growth and so it is NOT GIVEN
You will usually not get the answers directly and similarly even in the question of give heading, you may not get exact words to match the heading.
Trainers often suggest skimming and scanning the paragraph but in skimming and scanning you would try to find the similar word matching with the given heading options and so you will not be able to find the answer.
Solution: Most of the time the answer to give heading is in first two and last two lines. Out of 8 headings you will see around 6 have answers in first and last two lines, now remaining two try the centre of the paragraph where you will find closest answer.
Hope this helps in achieving your goal to STUDY ABROAD and GET DESIRED IELTS BAND
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